"You are the first foreigners to ever
come to this village."
come to this village."
It seems fairly insignificant, but consider the impact of that statement. The first. And it wasn't said once last week, but multiple times as we scoured the rice pattied countryside on dirt roads to remote villages. Our tour guide, Howie, is from an ethnic minority tribe himself and had only known of these villages for a short time. He happened upon them en route to a different destination. Amen.
I expected to feel the weight of oppression and evil in these villages. I didn't. I expected to be overwhelmed by the weight of being the first light-bearers to enter these villages. I wasn't. I expected the locals to be skeptical of us and run the other direction. They weren't and didn't. I expected the worst and found that I was overwhelmed by hope. Our students will set foot in these villages in the spring, and I'm hopeful that continued relationship will spring up. You and I will pray for these villages, and I'm hopeful for movement of the Holy Spirit. Evil practices will continue in these villages and I'm hopeful that Light will overcome the darkness.