In downtown Atlanta tonight, over 40,000 college students just wrapped up a 3 day experience of worship and Bible study. They have rocked out with some of today's best Christian artists (and said farewell to one of the best too) and heard from the 'rock stars' of Christian speakers. They have sung together, wept together and cried out to God together.
A similar scene played out another Passion Conference over 10 years ago. Then, a young man watched and God broke his heart for this generation yearning to go but not sure what the next step looked like. Called not just to go, not just to send and not just to pray, but called to mobilize an entire generation!
Sometimes we attend conferences like these - like Passion - and for a few days we feel our lives are unshakably intertwined with our Heavenly Father's divine purpose. And then the conference ends, the bands and the speakers go home, and we walk out the door back into our lives. We don't mean to but the enemy sets up powerful distractions disguised as exams, jobs, family and roommate tensions, significant others, and then one day we wake up wondering how we got so far from God's purpose.
It is what you do now that the conference is over that matters most! We can all sing with the crowd but what happens when you are all alone back in your dorm room, your apartment, with your friends that matters so much. This is where what God began over 10 years ago at another Passion Conference intersects with what God is doing now as thousands of young adults leave Passion 2012! What will they do now? What will you do now?
Cafe 1040 was born out of Passion to mobilize the Passion generation. We see in this generation a desire to GO, a yearning to pursue God's call on their lives, a desire to just say "Yes Lord, what's the question?" We also see the obstacles they face. Where do we go? What will my parent's say? Isn't it dangerous? What do you mean they don't know?
We, Cafe 1040, want to challenge those thousands of young adults leaving Passion 2012 and heading back to college or high school or jobs. We challenge you to not just walk away but to stay engaged. God is moving powerfully to reach the 2.2 billion in the 10/40 Window who don't know His name. He is moving to bring glory to His name in languages many of us have never heard spoken but are music to His ears. He is moving, the harvest is ripe, will you be a worker?
DO SOMETHING NOW! We are waiting on your application for summer 2012!
Apply here!